Renewal of Motor Insurance and Road tax can now be easily performed via online. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete as long as you have access to the internet. Car Insurance can be renewed as early as two month before expiry date, but many a time, many people forget about their expiry date or prefer to hold on till the very last minutes only then they renew their car insurance. There may be some challenges or unforeseen circumstances that may lead to you failing to have your road tax renewed on time.
Let’s explain some of the possible scenario:
1) Your insurance had expired long time ago
You may have a second car which you seldom use, and it has been idle for months and the existing insurance lapsed for more than 12 months. You cannot apply for insurance as it would be rejected. You will need to bring the car for inspection and upon passing the inspection test, only then Insurance and road tax can be renewed.
2) You have unpaid compounds
Your insurance cover note can be issued to you but you may not be able to renew your road tax, due to unsettled traffic compounds. If you renewed your insurance on the last day or a few days late, you must renew your road tax on that specific date, otherwise, the insurance cover note need to be re-issued again. With unsettled compounds, it may drag for a few more days before you can effective have your road tax renewed. Remember, driving your vehicle without insurance and road tax is an offend under the Road Transportation Act.
3) Insurance Pending Approval
Although most of the time, your insurance cover note can be issued within minutes, but there may be at time that your motor insurance be subject to approval. Possible reasons could be your vehicle is listed as High Risk Theft Vehicles, or it is a high performance vehicle with high sum insured. Such application will need to be manually approved by the insurer.
4) System down
It is rather common to have the interlinked system being inaccessible, be it under routine maintenance or outright disruption or simply congested. The system refers could include the insurance system, ISM system which lead to un-retrievable of your NCD, JPJ system etc. Recently, JPJ encountered a nationwide system breakdown due to the shutting down of it mainframe computer because of it cooling system failure.
So, it is advisable to have your car insurance and road tax renewed at least weeks before its expiry date.