• Online vehicle ownership transfers soon

    Posted on May 15, 2016 by in General News

    The transfer of vehicle ownership can be done online from June 1, 2016, says Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

    At present, such transfer of ownership can only be done over the counter at the Road Transport Department (JPJ) offices.

    “Starting June 1, owners can now renew their Vehicle Ownership Certificate (VOC) online,” Liow said.

    By making the vehicle ownership transfers service available online, the waiting time and queue at JPJ counters could be reduced, he said after launching the Jom JPJ Carnival at Bentong yesterday.

    Liow said new vehicle owners could also get their VOC at car showrooms which provide the biometric verification system.

    “The seller – whether new or a second-hand car dealer – can transfer ownership by just verifying the owner via biometrics,” he said.

    Liow said that the Transport Ministry would continue its mission to provide the rakyat with the best services, firstly by reducing waiting time at JPJ counters.


Source – The Star (15 May 2016)

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