Tag Archives: Zakri Mohd Khir

  • Allianz welcomes competition

    Posted on September 15, 2014 by in Corporate News

    FOR Allianz Malaysia Bhd, one of the larger listed insurance players in the country, all eyes are on the liberalisation taking place in the motor insurance sector. Over the last four years, the Government has been gradually removing statutory tariffs for motor insurance policies, enabling insurers to set the price for insurance premiums. The Government’s […]

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  • Allianz Malaysia Bhd New CEO

    Posted on July 11, 2014 by in Corporate News

    Zakri Mohd Khir has been named the chief executive officer (CEO) of Allianz Malaysia Bhd and country manager for Allianz in Malaysia. This is in addition to his current position as CEO of Allianz General Insurance Company Malaysia Bhd which he has held since 2010. He will assume the additional responsibilities as of Aug 1. […]

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