When you renew your car insurance, you will most probably be asked if you wish to add a second name driver for Free. A name driver is someone who is legally included into the Motor Insurance Policy, otherwise, the policy owner is basically the vehicle owner.
There are many occasions whereby parent may purchase a vehicle for their children to drive to school / college. The insurance policy will be under the parent’s name, but the driver is mainly the children. In this case, it is advisable to include the children name as a second name driver. If there is more than 2 frequent drivers using the vehicle, you can include additional name driver for RM10 (plus 6%) each.
A name driver in the policy will provide coverage under the insurance policy, but not everyone who drives your vehicle with your permission has to be included as a name driver. Anyone who drives your vehicle with your permission will not void your insurance coverage. If there is an accident, your insurance will still protect you and the driver, provided, that the driver is licensed to drive, and not under influence of alcohol or drug etc.
Anyone (un-name driver) who drive your vehicle (with your permission) when met with an accident will be imposed with a RM400 Un-name driver excess. This implies that if your claim is RM5,000, your insurance company will only pay out RM4,600.00. An excess of RM400 will be borne by you (policy holder).
Thus, if your vehicle is frequently driven by some other family members, you should consider adding them as second or Third name driver. The maximum name driver you can add is 5.
Adding name driver should be done upon renewing your insurance, if you need to add name driver after your insurance cover note has been issued, you can seek the help from your agent who issued your cover note, otherwise, you will need to personally visit the insurance company office with relevant documents.